Why TPO Roofing Offers Building Owners Guaranteed Cost-Effective Solutions
The Cost-Effectiveness of TPO Roofing
When most people think about commercial flat roofing, many images may come to mind. One might think of the iconic roof scene from The Shawshank Redemption when Andy and Red finish up a hard day’s work and enjoy a cold beer as they reflect on the work they’ve completed and the sunshine they are experiencing.
But the work they performed was grueling and exposed them to severe dangers. The roofing system depicted in the film was Built-up roofing or BUR. This system was the most common flat roofing product for much of the 20th century.
BUR is composed of multiple layers of organic felt embedded with coats of hot tar which is done on-site using a hot kettle and mops. The work is not only dangerous to the crew; it is also very time-consuming and therefore costly. Technology upgrades in the commercial roofing industry, like TPO roofing, have changed the game for roofing installers as well as building owners.

The First Single-Ply Commercial Roofing
BUR was the go-to system for decades because it performed its job well but also because there were very few options. As in any industry, time moves forward, and innovations come to the marketplace. By the 1970s a new product began to take a foothold in the market.
EPDM commonly thought of as “rubber roofing” made its debut. EPDM was the first widely available flat roofing system that moved away from the multiple layers of tar and felt and to a single-ply material that was manufactured in a factory. Large rolls of the membrane are laid out on the roof deck and rolled out to cover the surface. Seams and penetrations rely on primers, adhesives, and seam tapes to create a watertight system.
Not only is the installation process much quicker than BUR, but it doesn’t expose workers to the high temperatures and dangerous fumes associated with the BUR installation process. Since the 1970s EPDM has held a large share of the market and like BUR, it remains in use today although its market share continues to dwindle.
TPO Roofing – The Future of Roofing
In the late 1980s TPO roofing was introduced to the marketplace. Initially viewed with skepticism by contractors that were comfortable with their existing systems it would be more than a decade before TPO’s momentum began to build. Today TPO is the fastest-growing segment in the roofing industry with hundreds of millions of square feet installed annually. Like EPDM, TPO roofing is a single-ply membrane that is rolled out onto the roof deck.
However, TPO relies on hot air welders to secure the seams and flashing details. Unlike EPDM’s adhesives and tapes, properly welded TPO seams are the strongest point in the system and are not susceptible to the delamination that is prevalent in aging EPDM systems. Because the installation process of TPO eliminates the need for such accessories, both material and labor costs are reduced.

TPO Roofing – The Benefits of a Factory-Trained Installer
As with many projects, the installer doing the work is just as important as the product that is selected. Commercial roofing projects have many variables. Therefore, it is imperative to choose a roofing contractor with the proper knowledge base and experience.
Qualified roofing contractors should be factory trained and certified by the roofing manufacturer. This certification allows factory-trained contractors to offer material and labor warranties backed by the manufacturer. These manufacturer-backed NDL warranties (No Dollar Limit) are available to ensure your investment is protected for up to 20 or more years.
Upon completion, a roofing field inspector is sent by the roofing manufacturer to evaluate the installation. The NDL warranty and third-party inspection provide the building owner with the peace of mind that the work was performed correctly and that both the roofing contractor and roofing manufacturer are standing behind the work performed.

TPO Roofing – Cost-Effective Solution
While the history of materials and technical details may be of interest, the primary question building owners and property managers need to answer is what product should I choose to provide the best commercial roofing solution at the lowest cost? The marketplace has spoken. For most roofing applications, TPO roofing provides building owners with the most cost-effective solution to achieve 20 years of guaranteed success backed by both your chosen commercial roofing contractor and the multi-billion dollar roofing manufacturer.
TPO Roofing – Hire Commercial Roofing Experts
Parsons Roofing Company employs expert team members and high-quality products that ensure customer satisfaction.
Contact us today for an estimate for all your roofing needs.