How Does Summer Weather Affect a Commercial Roof?

How Does Summer Weather Affect a Commercial Roof?

March 25, 2024

Summer weather can have a significant impact on commercial roofs, especially if the roof is not properly maintained. Here are some ways that summer weather can affect a commercial roof:

  1. High temperatures: Summer weather often brings high temperatures, which can cause the materials used in commercial roofs to expand and contract. This movement can cause cracks or gaps to form in the roof, which can lead to leaks.
  2. UV radiation: The sun’s UV radiation can also damage the materials used in commercial roofs, causing them to break down and degrade over time. This can lead to leaks or other types of damage.
  3. Heavy rain: Summer often brings heavy rainstorms, which can cause water to pool on the roof. If the roof is not properly sloped, this water can cause leaks or other types of damage.
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04. Hailstorms: Hailstorms can also be a problem for commercial roofs, especially if the roof is made of materials that are easily damaged by hail.

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05. Wind damage: Summer storms can also bring strong winds, which can cause damage to commercial roofs. Wind can lift or loosen roofing materials, causing leaks or other types of damage.

To prevent summer weather from damaging a commercial roof, it is important to have regular maintenance and inspections performed by a professional roofing contractor. This can help identify and address any issues before they become major problems. Additionally, installing proper insulation and ventilation can help regulate the temperature on the roof, which can reduce the risk of damage from temperature fluctuations.

Contact Parsons Roofing Company today to request a roof inspection, as well as learn more about preventative roof maintenance.

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