Marietta Restoration
Replace Printing is a commercial warehouse in Marietta, GA. The existing R-panel metal roofing system was previously coated with an elastomeric acrylic coating. The acrylic failed prematurely and was cracking in multiple locations. Non-standard asphalt tar repairs were performed at multiple penetrations. Parsons Roofing removed the flaking material and thoroughly cleaned the metal prior to the application of the silicone roof coating.
New neoprene fasteners were installed every two feet along all vertical seams. New foam closures were installed along the entire front elevation of the building prior to the roof coating application. All existing skylights were removed and replaced with polycarbonate skylights. A 10-year manufacturer’s NDL (No-Dollar-Limit) warranty backed by Holcim Elevate was included in this project. The project was inspected and approved by Firestone’s certified staff inspectors.
Save money with an enduring roof coating
An excellent low-cost option is restoring a roof with an elastomeric coating. Restorations are fully tax-deductible in a year. Restoration is the most economical way to fully repair a roof and receive a manufacturer’s NDL warranty as well.

Call for a Roof Inspection:
(678) 756-0224
Commercial Silicone Coating Projects
A few completed Silicone Coating Portfolio projects by Parsons Roofing Company.
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Commercial Roofing Restoration
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