Mississippi Retro-fit, Coating, & Replacement
Retro-fit Portion:
We provided and set up safety lines around the perimeter of the roof in compliance with OSHA guidelines. For product application, we installed new EPS square cut flute fill insulation boards (8,600 SF) between the ribs, followed by mechanically attaching 1″ polyisocyanurate insulation boards to the existing roof surface. We then attached a 60mil TPO membrane to the purlins and fully adhered the TPO to vertical surfaces using solvent-based bonding adhesive. T-joints were installed per the manufacturer’s specifications, and approved flashings were applied to all penetrations. We also welded all seams between the membrane at vertical wall flashing locations. For initial prep work, we installed new 2×6 and 1×6 wood nailers around the roof perimeter (390 LF) and removed and disposed of existing gutters and downspouts (210 LF).
Coating Portion:
We set up safety lines around the perimeter of the roof per OSHA guidelines and cone off the designated work area. During the pre-construction meeting, we removed all loose debris from the roof surface and hauled it away. Adhesion tests were performed on all roof surfaces prior to application to verify substrate adhesion. The roof was pressure washed and cleaned to prepare for the coating application. We installed 1-way vents in wet areas as needed and applied TPO repairs over unusable roof surfaces per the manufacturer’s specifications, tying them into the existing roof with a hot air welder. Tarps were placed in designated work areas to protect property from material spillage, and plastic sheeting was used to protect pipes, curbs, large cracks, vents, drip edges, and pitch pockets. We then applied GE Enduris silicone coating to the roof to meet GE’s specifications for a 20-year NDL warranty, continuously checking millage to ensure minimum requirements were met. Upon completion, we touched up areas requiring additional material. Finally, we applied TPO slip-sheets beneath satellite dishes, pipe supports, and loose-laid units, as well as GE Enduris flashing-grade coating to designated locations.
Replacement Portion:
Safety lines were set up around the perimeter of the roof according to OSHA guidelines. The existing roof surface was removed down to the tectum deck, and any unusable tectum deck was replaced. The roof deck was then prepped for the installation of the new TPO roof.
Save with a Commercial Roof Retro-fit
A commercial roofing retro-fit involves upgrading an existing roof with new materials and technology to improve performance without a complete tear-off. This cost-effective solution extends the roof’s lifespan while enhancing energy efficiency and weather protection for the building.

Call for a Roof Inspection:
(678) 756-0224
Commercial Retro-fit Projects
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